A student recently wrote and asked me a couple questions which have been asked before, so evidently there are a lot of readers wondering the same
Current Stock Market Conditions for Investing
Thank you everyone for all of the warm responses and well-wishes in response to my last blog post regarding my recent health challenges. I'm
Using Fibonacci Levels to Find Support/Resistance
Click the green box to play the video Using Fibonacci levels to accurately find support and resistance in the markets for day trading and swing
Enjoy This Bull Market!
Everything in the market is relative. Is the market in an up trend or a down trend? It may depend on the time frame you're viewing. On a daily chart
Good Trading MUST Feel Unnatural, Part 2.
Had a lot of interest and many great comments emailed in from people who read Part 1 (below) of this topic. Today I continue with Part 2, and it's
Good Trading MUST Feel Unnatural! Here’s Why …
Does it ever feel like there's someone in your monitor watching your every move and trading the other side of the market, making your trades
The Energy of Fractals
I haven't been posting to the blog as much as I used to. As many of you know this is because of a personal loss I suffered a couple months ago (see