For those interested in trend trading forex, futures and the stock market like the pros (which is very differently than the amateurs trade), I
Trend Trading For Dummies in Bookstores Now!
Ready for a cutting-edge, thorough trading book about what's working NOW in the markets? One of my mentors told me that I needed to write a book and
Day Trading: Top 10 Mistakes That Cause Day Traders To Lose Money
Okay day traders, today I'm starting a new series of 10 articles covering the top 10 mistakes I find people making when day trading and losing money.
Stock Market for Investing in 2013
Stock Market for investing in the year 2013. In this video we ask what type of market we expect for the coming year in the stock market. Will it be
Stock Market Trading Scandal? Things Aren’t What They Used To Be!
Is Stock Market Trading knowledge now required to make money or can one still just rely on buying stocks in a trend trading investing environment over
Stock Market Trading the Halloween Cycle
Stock market trading can be challenging. So people are always looking for a short-cut, an easy strategy to invest and trade stocks. One of the most
Finding the Next Hot Stock for Trend Trading the Stock Market
There are always opportunities in the stock market for catching a major move and trend trading that market for years. Just as there is always a
Floor Traders: Emini Day Trading, Dow Futures, Commodities and Forex, Part 4
An important part of stock market research, whether you're day trading Dow futures or you're buying stocks, is to have at least a rudimentary
Is Short Selling Stocks Un-American, or Does It Save America?
I still remember the first time I heard about short selling stocks. I knew all about buying stocks. And I knew that after you bought them you could
How to End the Bear Market? Tax Traders of Course!
I don't want to make too much about this because I'm not fully educated on it myself. However if this is a real possibility, traders need to be made
Pre-Market Day Trading Preparation, Part Deux
Following up on the last post (see entry immediately below), there is one other web site I consult before trading each day. It is critically
Pre-Market Day Trading Preparation
Today we continue with Part 2 of my answer to an email sent in by a student (see the last entry in this blog for Part 1 and to read the letter and the
Improving Already Successful Day Trading
A student recently wrote and asked me a couple questions which have been asked before, so evidently there are a lot of readers wondering the same
Stock Market Research of Bear Markets
This stock market has a lot of people pretty scared. Is the current bear market unusual? Are stocks doing something they've never done before? How
Good Trading MUST Feel Unnatural, Part 2.
Had a lot of interest and many great comments emailed in from people who read Part 1 (below) of this topic. Today I continue with Part 2, and it's