Leading Indicators are often taken for granted by most traders nowadays. Many say there’s no such thing as a leading indicator. They even take pride
Day Trading E-mini Futures Trade Setup That Works Daily
Day Trading E-mini Futures Trade Setup That Works Daily Here's a very specific day trading E-mini futures setup that occurs consistently several
Day Traders #1 Problem: How to Overcome Over-Trading Once and For All, Part 1
Day Traders biggest challenge is often trading too many low-probability trades. As day traders we love to trade, so it's hard to hold back and wait
Trend Trading Stocks, Forex, Futures: How the Pros Trade
For those interested in trend trading forex, futures and the stock market like the pros (which is very differently than the amateurs trade), I
Forex, Futures and Stock Market Research Free Training and Resources
Whether you are doing Forex, futures, or stock market research, the process can be time consuming and expensive. Therefore I've made it a policy to
Futures, Forex and Stock Market Education: What Type of Returns are Realistic?
It's no surprise that people email me asking what type of returns they can expect if they get a good futures, Forex or stock market education. This
Trading Psychology: Are You Taking Trading Too Seriously?
Here's a great video about trading psychology, even though it's not directly about the stock market, futures or Forex, and doesn't reveal any day
Market Cycles Kept Secret From Losing Traders and Investors.
A stock, Forex or futures chart only has 2 dimensions. Most traders and investors focus only only one: price. But along the bottom of every chart is
How Day Trading Works According to Einstein
One of the most common questions I'm asked is how day trading trends are to be evaluated when looking at more than one time frame. The day trader
Head and Shoulders Patterns – Advanced Technical Analysis
A couple of my articles were recently accepted and published by eSignal Learning. These articles have to do with some advanced techniques for trading
Volume in Futures and the Stock Market
My approach to trading is based on the objective evaluation of the "Energies" in the markets.These energies are often measured by technical analysis
Pre-Market Day Trading Preparation, Part Deux
Following up on the last post (see entry immediately below), there is one other web site I consult before trading each day. It is critically
Pre-Market Day Trading Preparation
Today we continue with Part 2 of my answer to an email sent in by a student (see the last entry in this blog for Part 1 and to read the letter and the
Improving Already Successful Day Trading
A student recently wrote and asked me a couple questions which have been asked before, so evidently there are a lot of readers wondering the same
Good Trading MUST Feel Unnatural, Part 2.
Had a lot of interest and many great comments emailed in from people who read Part 1 (below) of this topic. Today I continue with Part 2, and it's