A couple of my articles were recently accepted and published by eSignal Learning. These articles have to do with some advanced techniques for trading
Pre-Market Day Trading Preparation, Part Deux
Following up on the last post (see entry immediately below), there is one other web site I consult before trading each day. It is critically
Pre-Market Day Trading Preparation
Today we continue with Part 2 of my answer to an email sent in by a student (see the last entry in this blog for Part 1 and to read the letter and the
Using Fibonacci Levels to Find Support/Resistance
Click the green box to play the video Using Fibonacci levels to accurately find support and resistance in the markets for day trading and swing
Trading Chart Structure
Click the green logo to play the VIDEO Using certain moving averages can help you gain perfect clarity when looking at the technical analysis of
Good Trading MUST Feel Unnatural, Part 2.
Had a lot of interest and many great comments emailed in from people who read Part 1 (below) of this topic. Today I continue with Part 2, and it's
Good Trading MUST Feel Unnatural! Here’s Why …
Does it ever feel like there's someone in your monitor watching your every move and trading the other side of the market, making your trades
The Energy of Fractals
I haven't been posting to the blog as much as I used to. As many of you know this is because of a personal loss I suffered a couple months ago (see
Question: What is the Best Interval for Day Trading: One Minute? Five Minute? Answer: NO MINUTE!
"What's the best chart interval for day trading?" One of the most common questions I receive is regarding the best chart interval for day trading.