A student recently wrote and asked me a couple questions which have been asked before, so evidently there are a lot of readers wondering the same things. I’ll answer the 2 questions with 2 different videos.
Today – Part 1: How to improve your successful day trading.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of this video.
Please leave your comments by clicking on the green “comments” link at the very bottom of this entry.
Excellent information often overlooked! I didn’t realize how important it was until I got in the arena. I’m really looking forward to Part 2
Hello barry, thanx for sent me video and divert my attenion to this matter thanx again…syed
good basic info but does not address the intricies of trading a particular contract.
There may very well be good reasons to pay a higher % of commisssions.
Thanks for your efforts to educcate traders.
Another great video, generously supplied by Dr Burns.
Actually, as I am in the UK, and have access to “Spread Betting” as a form of trading, it is not directly applicable, since we do not have to pay commission on this. However, similar lessons apply. Instead of commission, we have a large spread to deal with, and I think the trick when you are starting out is to seek out those instruments with the smallest spread (and the smallest minimum stop). Of course not all UK traders use Spread Betting, and those who deal directly via market brokers do have to pay commission, so this video does apply to them.
Very clear presentation of a very basic concept. Every now and then it is a good exercise to go over old concepts, also for a seasoned trader. Thanks, and looking forward to the secon video
Dr. Barry Burns, This video is excellent, I hope in the New Year of 2009, thgat I will be in a better financial positon to take advantage of your style of trading futures.
Hi Barry….I’m sure you hear it over and over….but I’m going to say it again. Thanks you with all my of my heart for sharing your Knowledge with me/us.
I am a new trader and I’m very thankful that someone out there with the knowhow is actually interested in give the newbe’s a quality education that gets them up and running (with out charging the ##@^&& out of us).I read books , I bought all kinds of programs ect. just to learn…I don’t know squawt….Then the teacher appears….and now I am actually getting some where. I invested in the right Dude!!!!!! Best to you and yours in this holiday season.
Good common sense teaching again Dr. Burns, but common sense often needs pointing out!
I started reviewing your course a few weeks ago and have been meaning to give you a post since then but haven’t had the time, so I’ll take this opportunity.
For some time now I’ve used the same basic indicators and oscilators that you teach and was only moderately successfull, but it was the best strategy that I had.
So far, your teaching has been the glue to bind a trading philosophy, that by no means I think that I have conquered, but one that I have much more confindense and understanding of.
I’m looking forward to reviewing the courses again this weekend for better understanding, and perhaps another 415% option profit that I found the weekend after my first review!
I’ve spent thousands of dollar on people who know how to pick a stock, but don’t know when to buy it and more importantly, when to sell it!
Your teaching, properly applied can make far more for far less than the other options that I’ve experienced.
I look forward to more good…and profitable insights.
Tim Brown
Very good advice for starters so that they can preserve their starting capital.
Dear Barry….the quick “primer video” you produced is “spot on” for the newbie trader…I personally prefer the ES..but to each their own…although I often trade the NQ…I really appreciate the added value you offer..and am glad to see that you are constantly going that extra mile to give more to your subscribers…As a result I have referred several fellow traders to your material..thanks much..and happy holiday’s to you and your loved ones
Thank you for all the great info you provide.
I need all the info I can get right now.
Many thanks for your kind generosity in sharing these pearls.
Interesting video, but aren’t the advantages of the higher priced contracts reduced by the larger spread? The spread is just a hidden comission (except for forex traders).
Good comment, and that is a factor on your entry. Would be important for scalpers, but I’m not a scalper, so the big moves make more money. Also, just to reiterate, commissions are not always equal and sometimes can
be bigger on higher priced contracts, so be sure you check.
Very informative, you have truly helped by guiding us in the right path. Looking forward to watching more videos.
dear dr burns
thank u so much for the extremely helpful free 5 day course. i really appreciate your simple style of tutoring.plain english so everyone can understand! well done. u r a superheroe!
Thank you Dr Burns for your 5 day free course. I was becoming quite disillusioned with my trading but since viewing your videos I am now looking forward to a much better year. Kind regards.
please notify me when the swing trading session is available.
thank you
Godd Video Thanks
once I learn the ym, I can always step to the e-$25 DJ for A 1% comm. on the trade-NO?