A super-simple trade strategy you can look for every day, and good for day trading for beginners.
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Today, in Day Trading for Beginners, I’m going to show you a meta pattern that you can look for every single day, based on basic logic. Just to let you know these times down at the bottom of my chart, (see video), I live in Los Angeles, so these are California times. This is based around lunchtime so, 12:00 p.m. East Coast in New York, would be 9 a.m., here.
During lunchtime the markets tend to quiet down, and it’s about a two-hour window. One hour would be your supposed literal lunch time, but in real life, people don’t get out for lunch, and back within an hour. That’s why I call this a meta pattern. The busy pattern that you watch for is not going to repeat every day exactly like this. This is roughly a two hour window, and it’s rare the market starts moving again right at 10:00 o’clock California time, 1:00 o’clock Eastern Time. I watch for this within a half hour, so the Primo time is 1:30 to 2:00 Eastern Time, 10:30 to 11:00 California time.
In the morning, markets open up, and you get some movement. I’ve got a lot of friends who’ll trade the first hour or two of the market, and they’re done for the day. That’s okay, you get a lot of movement, and a lot of volatility then. The markets continue to move after that, but people eat lunch, and during lunch, the big traders usually turn their accounts over to their interns. Basically, they tell them, “Just do no harm! Maintain the status quo, and make sure nothing bad happens.” The big players come back in after lunch, and the market starts to move again.
Day Trading for Beginners-One More Example
Does that happen every day? No, but this is a very, very easy, simple thing you can watch for every single day.
The previous example is with the NASDAQ-100 futures. I’ll show you with a stock as well, give you eBay here as an example of the same type thing. This is our 2-hour window, and really it is this last half hour that were primarily looking for our move. During this time the market comes down, and goes back up, and here’s where it consolidates. This time it happens between 10:30 and 11:00, right in the middle between that time.
They come back from lunch, and down she goes. One thing I wanted to point out here is, the volume is a bonus. You might assume when the big guns come back from lunch, the big volume is going to come back in. That’s not always the case. The volume is actually a bonus. If you get it, great, but I would’t wait for it. I wouldn’t use that as a criteria for the trade.
Final Thought
Personally, I don’t wait for the volume, because a lot of times it doesn’t come and we still get a really nice breakout. Sometimes you get a small breakout, and can lock in some profits pretty quickly. If it doesn’t make a big move in the afternoon, that’s okay, you still make a little bit of money. If you break even, well that’s okay too, and that’s a pretty reliable trade. It’s pretty simple, and that’s why it’s called, Day Trading for beginners.
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