Quick update today:
I was recently interviewed by Tim Bourquin at Trader Interviews.com.
It’s a great site with free audio interviews of many great traders. I highly recommend you check it out.
One of my blog readers listened to it and had this to say:
“I just wanted to leave a quick comment and say how impressed I am with your interview on traderinterviews.com. I just finished listening, and I must say, being an avid trader myself, that was one of the most knowledge based, informative, direct trading related interviews I have heard in a long time.
There is so much floating garbage around that its hard for beginners and avids alike to decipher. In closing, great job and keep them coming.
A suggestion if I may, write a book, I guarantee I would buy it.
Have a good one. – Shane”
Thanks Shane, I appreciate the kind words.
You can access my interview directly at: Barry’s Interview.
Dear Barry,A nice interview.In particular i was moved by the story of how a father passes on his wisdom to his son.Those lessons are priceless.